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“You Are Crazy”

I was told today that I am crazy. I already knew that. In fact, I've been told that multiple times by multiple people when I talk about what the next year looks like for me. But still, I was told today that this trip was crazy, not in a bad way, just crazy. Which got me to thinking, why is it crazy? Why am I crazy? And what made me willing to go on a crazy trip, with crazy people? 

What is crazy?

So, because I've been told this by multiple people and I've started to doubt my sanity, I looked into it a little deeper. I analyzed some dictionary definitions. And decided that what others were labling crazy, I was labling the ideal. It's all a matter of perspective, here is mine. 

I realized, that this kind of crazy, the kind that makes you want to pack all the belongings you deem neccessary into a backpack for nine months, get way too many vaccines, check to make sure your passport is up-to-date, begin an insane fundraising campaign, and hop on a plane and go into the complete and utter unknown, this kind of crazy, is just who I am. 

This kind of crazy just does not seem crazy to me. 

I'll admit, it does seem a little out of the ordinary to graduate high school and then head off on a trek around the world for nine months. But it should not seem out of the ordinary to spread the gospel, to have a heart for the nations, to want to go. 

And maybe, during training camp, I will think that all of this is a little crazy. But then again,
is crazy bad?

One dictionary definition of crazy is this:

"mentally derranged, demented, insane"

This definition has most likely been the first thing some people think of when I tell them what God has called me to this next year. This definition does not necessarily strike me as positive. But crazy is a very vast term with very many meanings, and this is also a definition: 

"intensly enthusiastic, passionately excited"

Or this:

"a nonconforming person"

I am perfectly alright with being labled a nonconformist or a passionately excited person. As long as your definition of crazy is passionately excited and intensly enthusiastic, then yes.

I am crazy.

I am intensly enthusiatic about following God's plan for my life. I am passionately excited about the amazing opportunity that this trip has opened up for me. I am intensly enthusiatic about experiencing new cultures and languages. I am passionately excited to meet my team and others around the world. 

And I refuse to conform to the world's standards.

So in a way, yes I'm crazy.

And crazy is a wonderful thing to be.