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In Retrospect

retrospect: (n.) a survey or review of a past period of time
In retrospect, two and a half months is not very long. 
In retrospect, God surpasses language barriers. Everytime.
In retrospect, when the house floods or the pillar falls over you will laugh about it later. 
In retrospect, assumptions are rarely valid. Don't judge people before you know them. 
In retrospect, God's plan will most likely not line up with your expectations. Just go with it, His plan is always better. 
In retrospect, teaching is fun and hard and almost exactly what I thought it would be. 
In retrospect, I used way more of my first aid kit than I thought I would. 
In retrospect, the things that seem to be rights (eating until you are full, sleeping on a bed, having your own bathroom, warm showers…) are not. And you come to realize the world does not end when you do not have those rights. 
In retrospect, when you are on property ministry your rate of consumption of ice cream is bound to go up at least fifty percent. 
In retrospect, journaling is the best way that I have found to process your thoughts and be able to review lessons learned later. 
In retrospect, one cannot take too many pictures.
In retrospect, cherish every hug from every person because there will be days when all that you want is that hug again but you cannot get it. 
In retrospect, when you get the opportunity to watch a baby, do it. 
In retrospect, saying goodbye is hard. So say hasta luego. 
In retrospect, Jesus is walking the streets of Honduras.
Looking back, it's clear. He was there before we came and He stayed there when we left. We may not be present in Honduras anymore, but our God is always there. And the impact that we left in Tegucigalpa and Teupasenti and Los Pinos will not fade; the friends we made will not be lost. 
So as we start a new season, this new adventure in Thailand, I can leave Honduras with peace. A peace that those two and a half months mattered. 
In retrospect, there is still so much to learn.
This adventure is still just beginning.