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Team Dauntless Takes on Bangkok: Ministry Plans for the Month

The capital of Thailand. 
Thirteen percent of the nation calls Bangkok home. That's over eight million people. 
Google Bangkok and you'll find links on where to find prostitution in the city, what it cost, and where the best places to go are. Kinda like googling the best tourist locations in Europe or the best beach in Hawaii. Let that sink in for a second. Sex tourism is huge here.  
The red light district of Bangkok is massive. It is estimated that there are 2 million prostitutes in Thailand. Most of those residing in Bangkok, Phuket, and Pattaya. They are mostly made up of women from poorer districts in Thailand that travel to the tourist areas to find jobs in order to provide for their family. They almost always end up in the bars serving drinks or selling souvenirs which usually leads them to getting trapped in prostitution. 
Bangkok's population is an estimated 95% Buddhist, 4% Muslim, and the remaining one percent? Not even Christian. Just "other." 
When I walk down the streets I see a whole lot of North American and European men with Thai women. I see a lot of girls lining the streets. I see shrines to Buddha everywhere. I have to double take at the lady men more times than I can count. 
Depressed yet? Don't be. 
Team Dauntless is working with The Dream Team this month and we're about to shake things up. 
When I first heard that our team was staying in Bangkok instead of traveling to the more rural parts of Thailand for this month I was slightly disappointed. I'm not anymore. We've claimed this city, this is God's city, and we will do everything that we can to make sure that an imprint is left on this city when we leave it in January. 
The Dream Team is a Thai worship band set on making an impact in this city for Jesus. Our ministry looks like this:
We're traveling to events with The Dream Team. We worship with them and perform dramas and pray for people. We get to see audiences broken because they realize that Jesus loves them. We went to The Bangkok Call last night and our team held and prayed over countless people as they cried or laughed or sang. The Holy Spirit is so present at these events.
We're working with The Dream Team in their high school outreach program. The kids take a personality test and learn that they are unique and each personality plays a special role in society. We tell them that they are valued and important. In a culture where emotion is rarely shown and often looked down upon this is sometimes the very first time the students have heard anything like this. 
We're traveling to prisons in villages around the Bangkok area and bringing Christmas to them. We get to love on prisoners and show them why we celebrate this season. We get to sing Christmas carols with The Dream Team and tell thousands of people about Jesus and His love for them. About grace and mercy and second chances. About a God who loves His children so much that He sent His Son. That's the reason for the season. 
We're working with Alan in his TV studio and with his radio station. We get to help him out with graphic design, office work, and whatever else he needs. We have the opportunity to pour Jesus' love on him and his wife and speak encouragement to them as they continue fighting for Jesus in this country. 
We're ministering to The Dream Team. We get to pray over them and fill them up. We get to encourage them and love on them and hang out with them. We get to see first hand the impact that they are making on Bangkok and in Thailand. We get to assure them that God is proud of them, that even when they don't see results, He is working. They are furthering the Kingdom in Thailand. 
We get to walk the streets of Bangkok everyday and love people. We get to smile at strangers and bless kids. We get to be Jesus everywhere we walk in this city. 

And the crazy thing is, God doesn't need us to do all this. He can do it all by Himself, but He uses us. He allows us to participate in this plan. He uses us despite our failures and weaknesses. Actually, He uses our weakness. He show His strength through our weakness. He allows us to lean on Him and His strength and watch Him move in the nations. We are so blessed to be here in Bangkok. We are so blessed to be given purpose by an incredible, loving, and all-powerful God. 

That's what our ministry looks like this month. That's what your ministry can look like this month. Please pray for our projects, our team, and The Dream Team. There is so much potential in Bangkok. We are ready to see a revival here. We are ready to see Jesus shake this nation. 
We're praying for the Kingdom to come. Join us. 
On earth as it is in heaven… 

One comment

  1. Darling Nikki, we missed you at Thanksgiving, but one of the things I am thankfull for is that you are such a wonderfull witness for Christ. Everytime I read your posts tears come to my eyes, you have a way of seeing the good that is there in spite of some pretty bad stuff. I was very concerned about your Thailand portion of your trip and I see that the arms of the Lord are around you protecting you. Your writting talent comes out big time in this. I hope you keep all this and it will be part of another book. Remember we love you and Pray for you

    Grandma and Grandpa S

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